Your Responses:

Your Responses are crucial to in a situation where someone has written an Unhappy review to you. InstaRate provides for the professional receiving the negative review, to respond to the reviewer. This is accomplished via text with in our InstaRate system. The phone number is hidden from the person receiving the 1 or 2 star review, however the reviewee can share a phone message and or a video response.

The issue can be resolved in this way, because you are able to let them know your side and hopefully compel them to rescind their negative review and it will never go LIVE for others to see. This is yet another first in the rating and review world. It is ideal to stop any negative comments.

The InstaRate system does not allow for unhappy reviews to go live until a 7 day “cooling off period happens. During this time the professional being reviewed can likely resolve the issue and never have a negative review ever be seen.